• Jennifer Jordan

    High-impact human resources leader and attorney

  • I am an executive and attorney with over 20 years of experience interested in a human resources leadership position at an organization that cares about its people.


    What excites me most is the opportunity to lead an organization toward greater excellence: improved service, better practices, and greater impact. I have served successfully in both for-profit and non-profit environments, and working for an organization that believes its people are the key to its success is my objective.

    I have significant experience and demonstrated success in:

    • Employment law 
    • Human resources leadership, including:
      • Policies and procedures
      • Talent management
      • Workforce planning
      • Employee relations and engagement
      • Training and development
      • Performance management
      • Discipline and discharge
      • Disability and leave management
      • Benefits and wellness
    • Corporate compliance
    • Risk management
    • Organizational development
    • Strategic planning
    • Non-profit governance and compliance
    • Board development and relations

  • Specific past accomplishments include:

    • Led organization to receive first-ever recognition as one of West Michigan’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For™
    • Managed inclusion and cultural competency initiative resulting in certification by the Partners for a Racism Free Community as a Full Member, award of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s Diversity Visionary Award, and numerous recognized best practices.
    • Integral involvement in development, implementation, and periodic review of organizational strategic plan, the business plan supporting it, and key financial and operational metrics determining its success.
    • Facilitated creation of development program for high-potential employees and ensured up-to-date succession planning.
    • Created and implemented a corporate-wide compensation program to articulate a comprehensive philosophy to ensure equity and fairness in pay determinations.
    • Facilitated development by Executive and Human Resources teams of comprehensive set of competencies for managers, directors and executives in support of performance management.
    • Led overhaul of performance management systems and processes to ensure current and measurable evaluation criteria and timely and regular conversations about staff performance.

    • Directed all responses to and investigations of human resources, whistleblower, and anonymous hotline complaints.

    • Oversaw all leave and disability management to ensure compliance with law and policies and consistent approach with staff.

    • Responsible for selection and administration of all employee benefits.

    • Directed organizational preparation for changes required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and minimum wage increases.
    • Regular presenter and trainer on human resources and employment law

  • Recommendations

    for Jennifer Jordan

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    Kathy S. Crosby

    President and CEO, Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids

    "Jennifer exhibits key attributes of leadership. She has the drive to see even the most difficult situation through and the compassion to appreciate the needs and feelings of people involved. Jennifer is willing to take risk[s] and communicates well inside and outside of Goodwill. She rated high among her peers in the areas of integrity, respect and the pursuit of excellence. Jennifer brought to Goodwill important knowledge in the areas of employment law and policy development, but additionally the potential of real nonprofit and community leadership. 

    Jennifer completed Goodwill Industries International's executive development program and has the potential to serve successfully as a . . . CEO. Her education, continued interest in learning, passion for mission make her a real candidate for leadership at a nonprofit. She is an authentic leader with a passion for justice, inclusion and service."

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    Corey J. Thomas

    Vice President of Human Resources, Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids

    "Jennifer has many, many positive attributes. Following is a list of what I believe to be the most valuable of these. 

    A passion for the development of her staff. You will never question whether Jennifer wants you to do and be better, and is prepared to significantly invest in you in order to ensure this happens. 

    A razor sharp intellect. I seriously doubt that there are any areas that Jennifer would not have the capacity to become an expert in. . . .

    A willingness to stand for what is right, even when it is not easy. Jennifer has a great ability to take a step back, think about a problem or situation from the perspective of "what is best for the organization," and is eloquent enough to convince others of the appropriate next steps. 

    I feel that any organization would benefit from Jennifer being part of their team. Her insights, passion, and intellect will be immediately apparent."

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    Ralf Holloman

    Director of Corporate Compliance (retired), Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids

    "I . . . had the good fortune to have worked with Jennifer Jordan for seven years in her capacity as Chief Administrative Officer for Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids, Inc. I witnessed her make the transition from a traditional law firm environment to a community based non-profit organization with alacrity. Jennifer’s comprehensive knowledge of labor law and human resources helped make Goodwill’s human capital initiatives quite extraordinary. Assembling a fine team, she helped the organization achieve numerous distinctions for being a leader in workplace inclusion and satisfying work environment. Jennifer is an exceptional lawyer and team member who always brings out the best in her staff and coworkers. Jennifer is driven to achieve results and yet is able to strike an admirable balance between a laser like goal focus and the human elements of a situation. Her wit and wisdom make even the truly tough days more enjoyable. I highly recommend Jennifer to any organization seeking a top flight attorney, compassionate leader and all-around great team builder."

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    Kevin Eikenberry

    Director of Loss Prevention and Safety, Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids

    "I have been fortunate to work with Jennifer for almost seven years, both as a coworker and a direct report. On many occasions during this time I had the opportunity to see Jennifer mix her employment law and administrative skill-sets with a strong and passionate concern for the well-being of others. This unique ability to combine two distinctly different styles allows her to set expectations and promote the values of the organization while still engaging and building positive relationships with staff at all levels. She respects the process and also cares about the people. She has a continual focus on her own development but more importantly she excels at the development of others around her. I have truly appreciated her candid feedback and support. Jennifer is an excellent leader, mentor and friend."

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    Theresa Vickers

    Director of Workforce Development, Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids

    "Jennifer is an amazing person to work with. The first thing you will notice about Jennifer is how she brings everyone into the fold. She was an extremely approachable member of our executive team. She made an effort to get to know what each department did and the people who worked in them. People felt like Jennifer had their back. Although she didn't always make the decision the staff wanted to hear, they knew that she had put the effort into learning the facts before recommending a solution. She was fair and people trusted her. 

    Jennifer is also a great outside-the-box thinker. She loves to work jointly on projects with people in order to solve some of the most complicated issues facing our organization. She was known to gather input from many, giving employees a voice in decision making. She worked on projects such as employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and even helping low-paid, front line staff with career advancement with some very innovative ideas. 

    But Jennifer is more than just a great people person, she has this nerdy, detailed-oriented side. She is excellent at dissecting documents for relevant content. She was integral to the management of a 30+ million dollar budget and helped guide the organization through many legal situations. Jennifer is an astute business woman who understands that financial health and excellence can only be reached by developing a world-class workforce."

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    Chad Beyer

    Intercultural Training Education and Research

    "I worked with Jennifer on a contract from the Kellogg Foundation to improve the diversity climate at Goodwill. Jennifer was a powerful champion for this work. She examined closely her own and Goodwill's opportunities to reinforce strengths and make needed improvements in this area. She brought a great deal of heart to this project. I thoroughly enjoyed working for her."



    Phone:  616.262.0406

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    Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area